PSA Licenses Types
PSA is a on-demand solution and it is used to manage Resource (People), Projects, Customers and Transactions. To work on PSA, users need a license to use PSA assigned from PSA enterprise Package. There are total four types of licenses Continue reading
Create and Link records using External Id using REST API
We will be using workbench as a tool in this this article. For example, you have two objects called ‘Reservation__c’ and ‘Address__c’. ‘Reservation__c’ object has lookup field called ‘Billing_Address__c’ that is lookup to ‘Address__c’. ‘Address__c’ object has External Id field called ‘Location_Id__c’. Assume that we already have records populated in Address objects. For example Id… Continue reading
WebServiceMock to test your Webservice Call
Salesforce is very flexible to integrate with other systems. In many projects we have lot of integrations of Salesforce with other systems. But main struggle starts while writing a test class for those integration webservices. Salesforce provides WebServiceMock interface to test Web service callouts of class auto-generated from a WSDL. WebServiceMock methods: The methods in the… Continue reading